Becoming The Real Slut in Second Life

My body was promptly strapped against the surface of the vertically positioned display board. Then, rendered motionless and unable to disengage myself using the SL interface’s default “stand up” option, I get packaged into Styrofoam and shrink wrap, with the exception of my breasts and genitals, which remain exposed from inside the air-tight packaging.

BDSM animations draw closer to lifelike in SL

Note how natural-looking animations are. They’re so uncanny that they border on the surreal. If I were more technically inclined, I could be more specific. I think it might have something to do with the way motion-capture technology was applied. I do hope to interview Kushiel at some point so perhaps he could shed some light on this. All I know is that what he has been doing thus far looks great.

When grunts become audible

I told the reporter yeah, if voice was ever integrated into Second life, I would be generally highly enthused about trying it. But I also would be a little skeptical, since many users inside SL (perhaps myself included) have yet to even learn how to communicate and interact competently using text. Now we’re going to have voice? Then I said to her that voice was a totally different type of performance.

You may collar the submissive

SL resident Marc Walcott, who officiated the ceremony, said the way the collaring was conducted reflected the values he is trying to cultivate at the Black Rose Inn & Dungeons sim, where the ceremony took place.

I now pronounce you slave and owner

People always talk about what lofty goals virtual worlds could achieve: fostering world peace, serving as an educational tool, etc. I say that one of the greatest contributions virtual worlds could make is helping boost the numbers of people in the physical world who are fully comfortable exploring and expressing their more base erotic urges, such as consensually beating and mistreating their sexual partners. Hey, then maybe we’d even have world peace as a residual effect because more people would feel less inclined to be ill-tempered, thanks to their cathartic outlet.

Descend into Dark Dreams

Here’s the basic rundown: the place has three levels. The main floor is primarily for dancing and socializing. There’s a sex club upstairs, accessible via a few stained glass-themed alcoves on the main level. And through a section of the wall on the main floor, you can plummet down into the dungeon — literally — where there are more possibilities to whet your appetite.

Licking sloppy simulated sex

If you’re female and you fuck someone relatively short, you’ll have to edit the pose balls accordingly. This way, when you ride the guy’s penis, for example, it won’t be plunging into your stomach instead of where it counts. The kicker is that if you use the same settings for a taller partner, chances are you’ll be riding the guy’s stomach, so you’ll have to recalibrate the positioning of the pose balls via the editing option

Open to the public:
Freely accessible places for adult play

I promised some time ago that I would begin listing quality spots inside Second Life where you could explore sexual/adult fantasy without having to dip into your Linden dollar balance. I’m talking free: no admission price, and no purchasing of pose balls or animations. These are places where you can just walk in and have a great time. Anyway, consider this the first addition to my SL Sex Guide, which has a link there in the first sidebar, by the way.

Punishment by Ms. Cheri

Dashwood Dungeon’s menu of indulgences will be expanding in the coming weeks as my assortment of BDSM devices expands. For now, my debut commodity is dubbed Flog & Torment. Victims who select this form of flagellation get to be bound to my shackle post, whipping post, or my human wall display posts while experiencing exquisite pain at the hands of my bullwhip and I.